Family Therapy

You’ve tried your best to do it differently.

But you’re watching it happen all over. You want so badly to give them what you didn’t get. But you haven’t broken the chain. You wonder: Is pain an inevitable part of the game?

You grew up in a family where rage and anger won the day. You’ve imagined you’d do better for your family. You’ve seen the damage it has caused.

You’re lucky to have made it this far. A good job, a family, a life. But still, in the heat of the moment, you emulate your childhood experience.

It’s automatic. It’s in your bones. And you want it to stop.

You want things to change, but you don’t know where to start.

It’s not easy to change a pattern that’s been in your family for generations. You can remember your father telling you how lucky you were to have it so easy. And you find yourself saying the same.

You think: There must be a way to stop passing this on. But how?

What you do now will echo in future generations.

Our families teach how the world is, and often, it’s not a pretty picture. We end up wounded by the experiences of our parents and grandparents.

Fortunately, it takes only one person to change the course of the family’s future.

And that person could be you.

You’re reading this because you want to make that change for your family. You’ve had enough of the hurt and dysfunction, of the bitter arguments and the silences that follow.

Therapy offers you a solution to your family’s trauma.

You don’t have to let trauma define you – and neither do your children… or their children.

Family therapy will help you break those patterns and start on a course toward healthy, supportive relationships.

You’ve imagined how a peaceful family life might be. Caring, warm, supportive, and willing to listen without exploding in anger. It’s a nice thought.

But the reality is much harsher – discussing the smallest of differences leads to shouting, shutting each other out, and sometimes worse.

Working with me, your family will have a safe space to examine these conflicts and change their course.

We’ll get to the core of the issues and understand everyone’s needs. Working together, we’ll change those patterns – for good.

Give them the life they deserve.

Together, we’ll practice effective problem-solving that truly works to satisfy your family’s needs. All those hurt feelings and broken promises lose their grip and make way for a truly enriching family environment – one that you and your parents never had.

And it’s no further than a single phone call or email. Reach out now (360) 209-3249.