Couples Therapy

“To love means to be actively concerned for the life and the growth of another.”
― Irvin D. Yalom

It used to be easy.

You remember the early days as fun, happy, effortless. You had some differences, but they were easy to look past.

You’d talk for hours. Fascinated and excited with each other, you were fine with lying in bed doing nothing.

Or you’d go out. Dancing, walking, dining – whatever! Back then, all that mattered was that the two of you were together.

It felt like a miracle to finally be seen and known.

But over time, those moments stopped happening. And those little differences stopped being cute.

It’s not fun anymore.

Now, it’s complicated.

You wake up early one morning, and you realize you no longer know the person beside you. You wonder where it all went – how you’ve grown so indifferent.

It’s not just that you’ve grown apart. Sometimes, you dread being close to each other.

You occupy the same house – but live separate lives. You’ve gotten used to it, and that’s what makes it so sad. Those times of connection and closeness have given way to isolation and avoidance.

When you take the time to slow down, you realize you’re sad, lonely, angry, or all three.

You can’t say anything without starting a fight.

You’ve tried to reach out. You’ve tried to bring some fire back into it.

Date nights, nights at home, starting projects together. But somehow, you end up in another argument.

At best, you manage to shut each other out and retreat into the bedroom…perhaps together, but always alone.

It’s time to find the way back to each other.

The path may be hard to see… but it’s there. You can find peace and happiness in each other.

Finding your way home will take hard work, patience, and understanding. Committing to enter couples therapy requires all these things.

A relationship starts with a commitment, but it doesn’t come with a set of instructions. Working with me, you’ll learn essential skills and strategies that will help connect you both to a renewed sense of purpose.

At any given time, a happy couple is doing one of these three things: avoiding toxic communication, repairing hurt feelings, or creating lasting happiness. It’s challenging, if not impossible, to do two things at once.

Working with me, you’ll learn how to do each of these things at the proper time, each when it’s most effective. With patience and effort, the path will become clear. The wounds will heal. And happiness will follow.

It will take time.

It will often be uncomfortable.


If you’re both committed… if your hearts are still in it… you can find each other again.

Reach out now (360) 209-3249 to start your journey!