Child and Adult ADHD

So. Much. Clutter.

You’d like to pick up the clutter in your house, but the clutter in your head gets in the way.

Living with ADHD (whether it’s yours or your kids’ or both!) means living out of step with the rest of the world.

It’s hard to imagine getting things done and not having the process bore you to tears.

You’re here, you’re there… you’re everywhere at once. You can’t stay far enough ahead of your impulses to accomplish anything.

You start off wanting to do the laundry… but decide to pick up the guitar and pluck a few strings… then realize you need to hear the tune you want to play one more time… then end up looking up the artist to get a few details on how he learned to play… then consider whether or not you want to read a book…


Long-term goals don’t just happen.

You’d love to be able to focus on a goal and finish it.

But you second guess yourself and buckle under the strain of following through.

Or you convince yourself that it was never what you wanted.

It seemed exciting at first, but then – like everything else – it just gets BORING.

And…before you realize it, you’re in the loop.

Next comes the self-blame. You’ve heard a thousand times from a thousand people – “If you’d just apply yourself, you’d do great!”

That voice in your head shouts, “It’s your fault! You just don’t want it bad enough!”

So, you ramp up your efforts. And magically, something happens. You find something to focus on that keeps you up all night. You work long into the night – happy and relieved to have finally found that ONE THING that might bring success – fulfillment.

And then, the one-two punch – BURNOUT. Total negativity. Exhaustion. Overwhelm.

And EPIPHANY – the realization that you can’t just do ONE thing. You’ve got to plan, organize – suffer through the boring stuff to get something real going.

You yearn to break the wheel.

But how do you tune in on what’s important?

Your mind running all your favorite movies at once, you struggle to hit “Pause” and focus on one thing.

For people with ADHD, chaos can be bliss. It’s just that the rest of the world doesn’t roll that way.

You’d like to be more in tune with the rest of the world. You long to be able to go with the flow, but it’s just so tedious!

But you can regain control.

Spontaneity and impulsivity can be your friends! You can learn to make the chaos work for you.

Let me show you how!

I have specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. I’ll help you find strength and harmony in all the chaos.

Working with me in therapy, you can hone your wild passions and idiosyncratic enthusiasm to achieve the creative, imaginative life of your dreams.

Start building your life YOUR way.

Call me now at (360) 447-6699 – and let’s get started!