Individual Therapy

The daily grind feels pointless.

You wake up feeling heavy, and hope feels distant. It’s a strain to make it through the morning routine. You have to drag yourself through it.

By the time you get to work, you’re ready to quit for the day. Staying focused at work is getting harder.

You used to be excited about your career, but the reality of working – day in, day out – just to make a paycheck – feels heavy and imposing.

Nothing seems to help.

You’ve tried talking to friends and family, but it’s no use. They try to cheer you up, but for some reason, it just doesn’t take.

Your best days are flat and boring. Your worst? Unbearable.

Sometimes, it feels like you’re dragging around an invisible 50-pound weight, hanging from your neck.

Giving up feels inevitable – moving forward feels impossible.

The reality is – you’re stuck. Stymied. Trapped. It seems like no one gets what you’re going through, but you’re not the only one who feels this way.

It’s a reality we all share.

We are limited creatures in a limitless world. Our expectations don’t match up with our experiences. Success can feel empty – love can feel tedious. Our achievements don’t satisfy our need for purpose and meaning.

Still, you wish life weren’t so complicated and that your story had a happy ending.

You’ve been happy at times, but it took so much effort to get there. You’re not sure if you can do it again. You certainly don’t feel like you can do it alone.

And you don’t have to.

Therapy can help you find strength and hope.

What you’re going through is natural. It happens to everyone now and then. You’ve heard this before, and it sounds reasonable.

But it’s a different story when it happens to you.

Through therapy, we can learn how it’s different for you specifically – what makes your struggles unique.

We’ll explore your aspirations and how they fall short of your expectations.

You’ll learn to care for yourself, honor yourself – so you can live a good life, full of meaning and purpose.

My strength and hope are waiting for you.

Please call me today at (360) 209-3249 for a free consultation. Let me help you find the courage to reach for them.